Saturday, December 22, 2007

Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed

Another so called game of the year. This game has its outstanding points for sure.'s_Creed
"The player assumes the role of Desmond Miles, a seemingly normal bartender who is also the most modern member of a long family tree of assassins. He is taken to a facility where he uses the Animus, a machine that allows him to see the memories of his ancestors during the Third Crusade, in the year 1191. Desmond assumes the role of Altaïr (الطائر, Arabic, "The Flying One"), a member of the Hashshashin sect (the original "assassins"), whose objective is to slay the nine historical figures who are propagating the Crusades. As the player finds and kills these targets, their conspiracy is unveiled. The player is able to travel through three cities: Jerusalem, Acre and Damascus as well as Masyaf, the assassins' stronghold."

This game is by far not what is advertise on TV. At least not part of it. I had no clue this was a game that took place in present/future time and its a memory you are going back for the real missions. The game play is outstanding, the graphics are right up there. It does get a little boring doing the same thing over and over again. You go to a city, you get intel by doing a very limited sort of side missions, you climb to the roof tops you eagle soar off the towers, I mean Trevor enjoys that part, he also likes when he is hiding. Trevor will say, where is he, and when he comes out of hiding Trevor will say, there he is. After the intel part is done, you search out your main target and you kill them. They are usually running away from you, cowards, and it is easy to take your hidden blade and jump on them from behind and kill them.

I was hoping more from this game, although it is good for a while. I wish in the future/present parts you could use your assassin skills. I know they are using it as a stepping stone for more to come. But you don't make a movie for the sequel. well maybe some do. It is worth getting to have a top name game this year, but I am still searching for the ultimate game for the year.

Next Game to Review will be TBA

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