Tuesday, September 11, 2007

6 Years Later, but could be today.

I can remember that day quite well. As a teacher it is funny how many remember or were even alive. My class this year was about 1-3 years old at the time. I on the other hand, do not think I will ever forget. I was a senior at CUW, a RA. I didn't have class that morning, or I forgot to go to class, because I was still sleeping on my couch. One of my residents was yelling and it woke me up. I went out to yell at him to shut up so I can go back to sleep. He said we were under attack, they flew a plane into the WTC. I turned on the news just in time to see the second plane hit. I was in shock and awe. The reality set in. My dad! He was flying from LAX to Chicago and then up to Milwaukee for business and to visit me. I call home, no answer, he must already left for the airport or was he already in the air somewhere. I call my mom at work, she didn't know, I try to search online to track his airplane, no luck. For the first time in my life, I did not know where my father was. I did not have a clue and thought what if his plane was hijacked. I know my dad would fight back. Being the big guy he is and former D1 college football player, he wasn't going to let some people hijack his plane. I always thought of my dad as a superhero type, always there to protect, never really getting hurt. I thought I lost my dad that day. God being who he is, my dad was on a plane, but they were delayed a little and then was waiting in line to be taxied when all airports were shut down. I did not hear from him until like 4pm Central time.

Every 9/11 has hit me pretty hard, I am very patriotic and no matter how bad this country looks, I love it to my dearest and think the Armed Forces are the bravest people in the world. I have/had many friends and family members serve. 9/11 always was a downer day. But God is so powerful and truly cares for each one of us.

2 years ago, on 9/11 5:35am, God gave me a son. He is the joy of my life. Now on 9/11 I will always have something to celebrate! He was almost born exactly to the time the first plane hit. God works in such a marvelous way.

God has a plane for each one of us and he loves us!

Red Wings

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