Thursday, August 27, 2009

Start of a New School Year

A lot has gone on this summer. Although we have been good about updating the pictures, this blog has been lagging. The summer was filled with activities and long days. The first weekend in June I had a youth retreat, the 2nd week, Ryan came to visit, the third week, Katie, Mike, and Adam (plus the baby in the tummy) came to visit. The last week of June I found my self in a very hot St. Louis for my SLED program. Becky was promoted, which means more hours and a change in our schedule. Becky is the primary x-ray tech for an outpatient surgery center that is connected to the hospital. July blew by and it was already time to start school.

Trevor is in PreSchool 4 now, although it is a small class (2 students, hey his class doubled from last year) he has fun and continues to amaze us with how smart he is.

Aiden is a big boy now, he is just itching to walk, he forgets he doesn't have the balance. He has mastered the crawl and is fast at it. He also has 2 teeth now. The only issue we have with him is he likes to stay up still or I should say wake up as soon as Becky and I are just finally sitting down or falling asleep.

My Graduate classes continue, Just started a new class, if all goes as plans, I will be done by May 2010.

If you didn't check out the main webpage for us, check it out. Been working on it and redoing it. I also created a twitter account for our family. I hope Becky will use it also.

Keep looking for new pictures and blog posts, which our webpage will or should now state when we do have new stuff up.

May God bless you all.

Red Wings

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