Monday, April 23, 2007

finishing up outdoor ed stuff

Our last full day was full of activities, Hatcher/Tomahawk throw, Rifle/BB Shooting, Shelter building, Compass, fire building, and beaver trapping.
Hatching throwing and rifle/BB shooting I was perfect, not to brag, but I am proud. It was great fun and a great week. God has blessed us.
On Friday we woke up to the snow falling. We got about an inch before we left. It was fun and nasty to drive home in. It was a great week. Relaxing in many ways.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

WHAT? Which Student?

Really, is one of my students trying to take me out? What is up with that?
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Thursday, April 19, 2007

We got to use an

We got to use an atlatl, Indians could launch them 200yds my 1st time I got about 40yds. Farther than anyone in our group.

Is camp suppose to be

Is camp suppose to be so cold? It was freezing, even though I had 5 layers on plus 2 pair of socks. Even as cold as it was it was a fun day

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

What a cold morning! Hopefully

What a cold morning! Hopefully it will warm up. We will be learning about Native Americans today.

I flew through the air

I flew through the air and grab a bar a few ft away. Message of the day luke 6:23 and psalm 56:4

What a rewarding & priceless

What a rewarding & priceless day. We did some high ropes courses. I climbed up a 32ft pole, stood ontop of it as it swayed in the wind and jumped

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I woke up a few

I woke up a few times during the night, but woke up at 5:30 am. It was a great morning so far. But, I am a little sore. Ropes course is later.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Tonight was a chapel which

Tonight was a chapel which put things into prespective. We are so small compared 2 what God has created. This was reenforced on a night hike.

We already done a lot.

We already done a lot. We took a nice long hike up some steep hills, my legs do hurt a little. But, it is beautiful here and peaceful!

As I was driving up

As I was driving up 2 OE it was very foggy and cars had snow on them. i was scared until we got at 5000 ft then the sun came out. more will come.

Friday, April 6, 2007

New Pictures

Uploaded some new pictures, take a look.

What a monkey

I really don't know what to do with him. He is such a boy. I am afraid he will break a bone. The same day as this pic was taken he ran off the edge grabbed onto the bar above him and swing out with his legs off the ground and came back to his feet. Becky and I had a heart attack right there and then. I am glad though he enjoys himself.

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Thursday, April 5, 2007



Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Synja should feel bad. He

Synja should feel bad. He should be kicked off. Gina is way better than him. Maybe next week.

Test 2

Test 2

Test from my cell

Test from my cell.

So I was checking out this new feature, well new to me to see if it would work. Now I can blog on the go. It is a neat feature, maybe when I am at outdoor ed I will be able to blog. Keep you all informed.

It is never too late!

Turning in homework 3 weeks late maybe too late to get a good grade or even a grade. It is too late to change your recent report cards. Turning to God three weeks before you die is not too late! Turning 3 days, 3 hours, 3 minutes, or even 3 seconds before you die is not too late. It takes some time for some people to learn or understand the ultimate truth. The truth that we all know very well. The thief on the cross finally understood and saw that Jesus is the only way we can be saved. For him, he decided that it was not too late to change his heart and to believe.

I did not want to talk about the thief on the cross as much as I want to talk about another Bible Hero Saul/Paul. What you see may not be what you get?
Saul is first mention in the New Testament as a young man about thirty years of age at whose feet the witnesses laid their garments on during the stoning of Stephen. We read it as Saul is the one who is giving the order or consent to kill this Christian. From there Saul becomes the main Christian hunter. Many Christians feared for their lives because of Saul. He wasn’t a very nice guy.
While Saul was traveling to Damascus to put Christians in prison he fell to the ground from a light from heaven. He has a little discussion with God. He tries to open his eyes but he was blind. The Lord had a disciple to go to him to make him be able to see again. Saul could see and was baptized. Saul was a new man, He turned in his Christian Hunter badge and picked up scrolls to preach the word of God. People were confused, have you ever known someone who was suppose to be mean, but when you meet them or talked to them they were really nice. Shortly after this Saul goes out preaching, which the Bible then uses his name Paul. We always looked at it as, Saul was before knowing Christ and Paul is after knowing Christ. Although, Paul was always part of his name since birth it is nice to have a fresh start. How many of you like to start over. Maybe have a second chance to get good grades or not to break something.

Two people that are famous in their own right that had a fresh start are C.S. Lewis and Lee Strobel. They were both at one time in their lives like Saul, not believing and even proclaiming there is no God. God used close friends and loved ones to help both of them see the ultimate truth. For C.S. Lewis one of his best friends J.R.R. Tolken pushed and pushed him to convert. C.S. Lewis then decided to prove his buddy that there was no God. In doing so he could not do that. He could only prove there is a God. C.S. Lewis although known for his Chronicles of Narnia books is very popular Author among theological educators. Lee Strobel is a more now a day converting. He was an investigator that wrote for the newspaper. His wife became a Christian and pushed and pushed Lee to convert. He decided to prove her wrong and prove that there is no thing as God. He took it as an investigation standpoint. He is now a famous author for the books The Case for… series.

Both friend and wife had some things in common but no more than praying. They both prayed for their loved ones to change. I am sure Christians prayed that Saul would change also. When you pray lives can be changed. Your lives can be changed; the lives of your loved ones can be changed. If you know someone who is like Saul, pray and pray, they may change. For it’s never too late to change to believe in Christ. Sunday is Easter it is a time for renewal of life being born again in Christ. When you wake up and you open your eyes think about how Saul was blind and opened his eyes and believed.

Just testing this thing out.

Just testing out how if I add a photo to the Blog, it will be automatically uploaded to my pictures. No real news.

My Poor Car

Well I got word, It will cost about $3500 give or take a few hundreds. At least I only have to pay $500. We only have a few more payments on the car also. I just hope it looks close to what it did before the crash. Oh its going to be a few weeks also. UGHHHHHHHH

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


So whats up with my parents, I am not even 2 yet and I have been in 2 accidents. I still love them though. my word right now is ok and no. I can say no in so many different ways also. Mrs. Vetter got me some Crocks they have toodles on them. What you don't know what toodles is, its from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, my favorite show. Any time I see Mickey or Disney I say TOODLES... I have the easy life, eat, sleep, play, do what I want. Lately I would say tweet tweet when I see a bird. well time to hit the hay... laterz

Monday, April 2, 2007

Trevor's Photos

Trevor Photos

Click on the link to see all the latest Trevor Photos.

March Madness is almost over

Tonight is the main event, OSU and Florida, a rematch from earlier this year, but also rematch from the College football championship. Maybe OSU will pull this one off. If they do, I might win a prize for the first time in my life. The only free but has a prize bracket I did this year, I have done well in. Usually I am way wrong, last year in my Family brackets I picked Florida to win and got Lucky. This year for them I picked Pitt, but they blew it. Anyways, back to my chance of winning. Right now I have 250 points out of 320 points. I had 3 of the Final 4 picked, and 6 of the Elite 8. I only have 16 wrong picks also. Pray that OSU can win tonight.... and then pray that no one else has as many points as I do.


I am trying to get ready for the end of the year, which means moving. I never realize how much Junk I do have. It is hard for me to throw anything away, I am not as bad as I saw on Opera once (Becky was watching, I was in the room, didn't have the energy to get up). I am working on just letting things go. Mostly I held on to t-shirts, I have still some from 1994. Do they fit? NO... I was skinny then. I have thrown about a dumpster worth of garbage out. It is fun though to read through some old papers I wrote or thought about.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Car Crash

I never realize how fast something can change until Friday after school. Trevor and I were heading home, I had a list of things to do. All of sudden, bam... I hit the car in front of me. With a blink he was speeding up to a complete stop. This is my first accident and thank God, I did not get a ticket. His damage, none, mine the hood caved up and maybe some damage inside. What does it mean, well I am out 500 dollars plus whatever my raise in insurance will be. Hopefully that will be offset when we move by lowering our premium. Although I did not have towing included I did have rental services. So I do have a car to get around places. Just made me think how one moment in life can change everything. One moment can make an unbeliever a believer. One moment can make you lose a game to winning the game. Take those one moments and hold onto them. They can change your life!

Red Wings

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