Monday, December 31, 2007


As the East Coast is getting ready for the New Years, the West Coast is just starting their parties. For us, we are at home, watching tv right now, Caillou, because Trevor fell and cut his nose a little. Trevor will probably make it longer than Becky or I. Here is to 2008. May we be blessed as much as we have this year.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 - Silent Night - Silent Night

Becky Loves Josh Groban, and I can agree that he is a great singer and enjoy his songs a lot.  This is on here for Becky and for you to share during the Christmas Season!

Blogged with Flock - The Bridge - The Bridge

Blogged with Flock

Tom Tom

So for Christmas Becky got me a Tom Tom GPS System. For what we will use it for, get us one place to the next, it will be nice. When you go off the track they give you, it changes the route automatically. They have some services you can order, weather, Traffic and the life. I am very happy with it. I always hate driving places, I don't know. Now I don't have to print off of map quest ever again. Link to Tom Tom

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

5 Christmas Later


For our First Christmas Together I got Becky a Camera, an HP 4.1mp 700 dollar camera. 5 years later, I got her a new one, one she can put into her purse, it is red also, it is 8.2mp and a lot cheaper. The picture is taken from her new camera.

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Christmas Pictures

Christmas Pictures are up.

Click here and then click on Pictures on the left hand side if you can't see the option right now.

If you scroll down on this blog you can see a small picture of each picture.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Remember When

I remember when Trevor was this small, kinda miss it in a way. But, he is so big now and so opinionated, to the point of being cute.

Blogged with Flock

Christmas Eve

We just got back from Christmas Eve Service, where Trevor for the first time went up for the Children's message. It was cute, our good friend, and Trevor's good friend, Jim was doing it, so we knew he, Trevor, wouldn't be shy. He was very good.

Before Church we had dinner and open some gifts, Trevor wants to open up all the gifts even if they aren't his. Christmas Day will be so much fun for Trevor. Pictures will be up soon!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

What Can I Give Him?

What Can I Give Him?What can I give Him,Poor as I am?If I were a shepherd,I would bring a lamb.If I were a wise man,I would do my part.Yet, what can I give Him?What can I give Him?What can I give Him?I can give Him my heart.What can I give Him,Poor as I am?If I were a shepherd,I would bring a lamb.If I were a wise man,I would do my part.Yet, what can I give Him?What can I give Him?What can I give Him?What can I give Him?What can I give Him?I can give Him my heart.
Song Lyrics

The other day I was driving somewhere, don't really remember where, when I heard this song, the lyrics are above.  I think it fits well with the Holiday season and with Christmas two days away.  Even if this isn't completely theologically correct the idea of giving your life source to God, who gave you eternal life.  If we all just gave our heart, it would all be good.

Here is a version of the song I found on YouTube

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Saturday, December 22, 2007

Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed

Another so called game of the year. This game has its outstanding points for sure.'s_Creed
"The player assumes the role of Desmond Miles, a seemingly normal bartender who is also the most modern member of a long family tree of assassins. He is taken to a facility where he uses the Animus, a machine that allows him to see the memories of his ancestors during the Third Crusade, in the year 1191. Desmond assumes the role of Altaïr (الطائر, Arabic, "The Flying One"), a member of the Hashshashin sect (the original "assassins"), whose objective is to slay the nine historical figures who are propagating the Crusades. As the player finds and kills these targets, their conspiracy is unveiled. The player is able to travel through three cities: Jerusalem, Acre and Damascus as well as Masyaf, the assassins' stronghold."

This game is by far not what is advertise on TV. At least not part of it. I had no clue this was a game that took place in present/future time and its a memory you are going back for the real missions. The game play is outstanding, the graphics are right up there. It does get a little boring doing the same thing over and over again. You go to a city, you get intel by doing a very limited sort of side missions, you climb to the roof tops you eagle soar off the towers, I mean Trevor enjoys that part, he also likes when he is hiding. Trevor will say, where is he, and when he comes out of hiding Trevor will say, there he is. After the intel part is done, you search out your main target and you kill them. They are usually running away from you, cowards, and it is easy to take your hidden blade and jump on them from behind and kill them.

I was hoping more from this game, although it is good for a while. I wish in the future/present parts you could use your assassin skills. I know they are using it as a stepping stone for more to come. But you don't make a movie for the sequel. well maybe some do. It is worth getting to have a top name game this year, but I am still searching for the ultimate game for the year.

Next Game to Review will be TBA

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Friday, December 21, 2007

It Breaks my heart

This past week, since I have it somewhat off, I have taken Trevor to preschool and have picked him up. It breaks my heart every time I drop him off. I wish I could sit there and watch him all day long to see what he does. He is growing up so fast and everyday is learning so much more. It is amazing to see him go through thinking process to figure something out or when he doesn't understand stuff. He is getting into the Christmas spirit, so happy when he sees a tree or Santa Claus or anything else dealing with Christmas.

Call of Duty


This is suppose to be the game of the year, or at least one of them.  I will add a few others that I had the privilege of playing so far this year.  To give a formal background for those who have not played it.,
"Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare introduces a variety of game play styles into the single player campaign completely new to the Call of Duty
series. The game moves away from the standard three country-specific
campaign style, and allows the plot to play through more like a film
style plot with interlaced story lines from the perspective of the
player as Paul Jackson, a member of the United States Marine Corps 1st Force Recon and "Soap" MacTavish, a member of the British 22nd SAS Regiment. There is also a variety of cameo-style missions where you play as various other soldiers such as an AC-130 Spectre Gunship gunner, or as one part of a two-man sniper team behind enemy lines in a flashback-style mission."

Now what do I think of it.  I haven't played multi player so this will be just on the Single Player Mode.

Overall it was a great game, although very short to my liking.  More and more games are going to the multi player aspect, which is fun, but for old school players it is not always the best way.  Graphic is outstanding, Controller setup is very easy to use.  Weapons are as good as any FPS.  Beside the short game play, this is a top game.  I am waiting to try out the multi player.  Next game I will discuss in the future will be Assassin's Creed.

Screen Shots of Call of Duty 4

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Cover"Soap" meeting Captain Price early in the game.An example of the lighting, shadows, and weather effects in the game's single-player mode.

Blogged with Flock

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bo's Lasting Lessons

I am not the biggest reader in the world. I have started reading more books than Becky has finished reading. I could not stop reading Bo's last words to impact this world. His last testament of what means the most to him. The Lessons he wanted every player of his to know and every fan to learn. Bo's Lasting Lessons is a book for anyone to want to learn how to do it right. No matter what you are doing, What you are coaching, Bo's lessons will teach you something. More and more I read this book, which I only read in a few days, I realize how much I agree with him and how much I use his Lessons every day. Maybe it is because of my Father learned and followed Bo's ways. Maybe its just the right way of doing things. Who can argue with his three rules, "Respect, Honesty, and Responsibility." Every year I tell my kids that my number one rule is Respect. Everything can fall into that one simple word. Today most kids and adults do not respect, but, Bo knew it was the most important quality a person could behold.

If you are a football coach this book will fit you perfectly and will transform your team into a positive and successful (even if you never win a actual game) team.

I urge everyone to read this book, even if your a Buckeye.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Trevor Visit Santa

As from the picture you can see Trevor was not happy. Although last year he cried, this year he is just pouting. He was happy as can be before he went up to see Santa. When he walked up to Santa he was fine. He would high five Santa and everything. We are hoping by next year he will be good with it. He has made improvements already. He will say, when asked what does Santa says, ho ho ho with his hand on his tummy. Momo taught him that one.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The First and the Last

This football season started out so great, we win from behind in OT. Then came the fires of tribulation. We lost and we lost, we had kids get sick and break their hands. We had to forfeit because of grades. Yesterday was our last game. Game time 3:30, at 3:30 the other team was not there. The refs said I will give them 15mins. Shady way to win, but I will take it, we needed something positive that day. They show up. I try to get the team ready. We kick the ball off, we won every coin toss this year I believe. They walked down the field to score. Great. We have a long day ahead of us. On the next kick off to us. Something happens, we block, we cut, we do everything right and we score on a kick off return. Can't mess up the play if we just score on kick offs. The rest of the first half we stop them cold. We score again and then again on a interception run back at the end of the first half. The kids are pumped, they are ready to play. Second half we get the ball and we are driving. We are within 40 feet from the goal line. I call a play, the play breaks up, my qb scrambles, right then left. We have an open player in the end zone, He throws it, its a lame duck, they intercept it. They then drive down and score again. Later on in the game time is running down, we are up. I put my smallest player in as a 4 back. I started to use the I a lot this year, and will use it next year, I like some of the plays I can run from there. Back to the game, I call I fake 22 dive 42 dive. My 2 back is my best runner and a big kid. I want him to create a hole. My 4 back grabs the ball and runs right up the middle and no one gets him, except himself, he trips and falls. Next play, same play. This time he doesn't trip and scores a touchdown. It was a proud moment. Just a week earlier and every week before he wanted to quit. He wasn't having fun and it was hard on him. I think he enjoys the game much more now. I am very excited about next year team. It will be a lot of hard work and a lot of working hard, but we could have a good team. If it doesn't rain.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

1 Person is all the difference?

Yesterday 1 Person affected hundreds of people lives. This 1 person affected my life. You always say, I am just one person what good can I do to a cause that is unachievable. 1 person made a 3/4 of a mile drive a half and hour drive. 1 person caused a crash that caused hundreds of people to be late to something. 1 person caused hundreds of people to think nasty thoughts about that one person, even if we don't know them. One person Saved us all from the death and punishment we deserve. One person can do a lot!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Choo Choo Soul

This is very old, and I still find it relaxing to watch. Trevor loves watching it also.

Office 2007

So, I got a laptop a few months before the end of the school year last year, to help me with my stuff this year. It does help, and its so functional and practical and desk space saver. With it I got a demo of Office 2007 on it. I played around with it, I have Office 2003, so I wasn't going to spend money on 2007 version. Well, I open up an attachment and it opened it up in Word 2007. I wanted/needed this document printed out. I had just one little problem, I couldn't find the little cute printer button anywhere, I couldn't even find the print option. I mean I looked for about 10mins than gave up. Came back another day took a while and by God's grace or pure accident I hit a button in the upper left hand corner, which I just thought was a logo. Year, there were all the options and print was right there with them all. I sure felt dumb for a while, but now I can laugh at people when they have the same problem.

Side Family Note, Trevor is still not feeling the greatest and not eating as much.....

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Really that Great?

Well the conspiracy theory continues.... The good news is the last few Heisman winner has lost their bowl game. Sounds very good for Michigan Fans. Which by the way had a player that did much more for their team, dominated in their own position and affected the game for the better. That player is the one and only Jake Long. Who only let 1 sack all year (during the OSU game).

Lets Look at Tebow, at least 20 Passing TD, 20 Rushing TD's (20/20 Vision maybe?) which is good, He is for sure very important to Gator Football and even the entire State of Florida. But is he the best in his position? I say NO!, and maybe I will eat my words after the Michigan game, I did after Vince Young gave it to us a few years back. But, for argument sake lets Look at Three other QB's that are more important to their team and deserved the Heisman more. Dixon from Oregon, Hawaii quarterback Colt Brennan, and that team that beat Michigan back in week 1, Appy State QB, Edwards. Now Dixon got hurt, which cost his team a National Title Game, Hawaii QB went undefeated, but against who? Whoever was in front of them. Lastly Edwards I mean what did he do besides beating at then #5 Michigan Wolverines, He got hurt, his team lost, but they have a playoff and for the third straight year Appy is in the National Title Game looking for their third straight Championship. You tell me now who deserved it? Voters mention Tebow helped Florida win a National Championship team last year and that he played solid all year. Yea 1 National Championship can relate to 3 in a Row! Good Call Voters!

This is what it could be, but nope it is not this at all.

Lions were winning this game all game until 18 seconds left. They lose again, this time by 1, to the best team in the NFC. Now lets take it back a few seconds before Dallas scores the winning TD. Lions cause Romo to fumble, all the Lions have to do is fall on the ball, but do they???? NO.... Redding decides to try to be some sort of super hero instead of a normal Detroit HERO. He tries to scoop up the ball but kicks it right into the Dallas hands. He messed up and it caused them to lose. Try to not blame on the very few Hanson miss FG's. But this is Par for the Lions!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

What are we teaching our kids?

This goes back to our last football game. That we lost, in when it pour it storms. Well it wasn't bad enough having 3 of my starters out. This team/coach is a bad example. Down by 3 scores with 26 seconds left, this coach decides to go for another score. After the game I said come on coach thats not right and he just kept saying thats the game, you play to the last second. The refs apologized for this guy, saying they told him to kneel. One of my parents heard the coaches response, he said, they (us) beat us (them) last time. So all this coach want was revenge. In our first game he tried to cheat also. I am never been embarrassed for the game of Football and for Christian athletics. We are suppose to be a Christian league and we have this coach and others try to cheat. The coaches try to change the rules for their own benefits. I just hope basketball will not be like that.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

When it Pours it Storms

I guess this is part two of my football sorrows. We lost today against the only team we beat this year. But, that isn't the storm part, I was out not just my RB with the broken hand, but my starting center and starting RB were out for different reasons, and I might have to forfeit games next week because of kids can't get their grades up. How after the first game the season looked so bright, and so fast it is now over and so gloomy.

Girls Basketball starts next week, thank God.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

When it Rain it Pours

I have been away because of bad news, Football team is not doing what I thought they would do. Now one of my top players, my back up QB, my Starting QB for next year most likely is out with a broken hand, that he got during our last game, he did play a whole half with it. I only have a few more weeks, then I hope things will turn out good... I am going to be helping or coaching girl's basketball. I hope they are ready for me and how I coach! Maybe that is my teams problem.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Trevor goes Potty

On Friday Nov. 30th at preschool Trevor went potty in the toilet. He is so proud of himself and will tell you when you mention it to him. He yells with excitement and comes and hugs us.

Red Wings

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