Monday, September 4, 2006

September 4th, 2006

Its been a month since I been wearing shoes, I am really good in them now. My birthday is next week, we are going to have a big party for me. I know I am getting a lot of cool stuff. I watched Michigan play the other day, fell asleep halfway through, but my daddy told me they won… I do say go Blue and raise my hands when Michigan scores a touchdown. I have been swimming a lot last month, not as much now that daddy has to work. I should take a nap now, to be nice to mommy and daddy.

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

8/2/06 (Start of Trevor doing his own Journal)

Today is Grandpa Burk’s Birthday. I am almost 11 months old also. In the past month I have been running around a lot. Today I got a postcard from my babysitter, I miss her she is away for a while. The other day I was with daddy at school, I got to ride a pony and played with all the little kids. It was a lot of fun. Today I also had a little adventure, my mommy and daddy tried to put shoes on me. They felt funny and I couldn't walk to well in them, see the video section, daddy will be adding a clip there.

The only other new news really is that I love to talk and sing and dance. When mommy says its bath time, I say ba ba and run to the tub. I also know which door is to go to the world outside. Which I wave goodbye to those who have to leave.

Will write more later!

Sunday, July 9, 2006


It has been a long time since my last Journal input and a lot has happened. Trevor has 2 teeth, and jumped from Rolling around to crawling to walking very quickly. He was walking for over a month now. On Tuesday Trevor will be 10 months old, but he think he is a 1 year old. He celebrated the fourth by going to a fire work show. He loved it! He enjoyed the fireworks and the music. He watches Little Einstein all the time and controls what is going on in the living room, where all his toys hang out. He can drink from a bottle for himself and from sippy cups. His fan club at church is growing and growing!

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Trevor is almost 6 months now (1/2 year). Today Trevor rolled to his stomach and then back to his back. This is the first time we know of him doing this. He loves to sit and play. He is eating oatmeal and other Gerber foods. He is learning how to drink from a sippy cup. He is having a difficult time because he loves to chew on it instead of sucking. He has some teeth ready to come out. He has had some visitors recently; God mother Katie and her husband Mike came and visited. Trevor loved Mike's laptop and business cards. Last weekend Grandpa Brigham and the boys came to visit and Trevor had fun. We went to the Mission in San Juan Capistrano. It was a lot of fun. Next week Grandpa and Grandma Burk and Uncle Tommy comes.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Trevor is over 4 months now... At his last check up he was 17lbs and 27inches long. He is so big now. The other day he rolled over for the first time. Both Becky and I missed it :(. He is sleeping in his crib like a big boy. When he is sleeping he will change the direction of his head. He also loves to know what is going around him. He is always trying to take drinks or the remote from Becky and my hands. He is so smart.

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