Tuesday, November 27, 2007

FilmChat: Steve Harvey cleans up his act for God

FilmChat: Steve Harvey cleans up his act for God

Just figure this is old, but is worth a mention here.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Dreading to Post This

I am dreading to post this. We lost our football game today 33-7, 20 - 0 at half time. The biggest problem was having a week off, no practices, no games! On offense, we just couldn't move the ball. Nothing I called worked well, everything they were taught just didn't go down. We are at a breaking point where this season is going to go, down a bad path of not caring or take this game and build from it and make it the lowest point and never get back to it! We will see on Wednesday, our next game against a tough team Desert Christian.

» Church Web Design Part 13: Hobbled Website Horror Stories

» Church Web Design Part 13: Hobbled Website Horror Stories

So I get this blog on my google/ig site and read it when I can. After I read this I thought about how this used to be me. Not the Vampire but the Staff Swamp Monster. I use to spend over an hour a day updating my schools website. Trying to figure out every teacher problem and layout problems. I am so glad I am not in that position anymore, I can relax more and be one of the complainer when things are not done when I want them done. Isn't life grand.

Back at School

Well today was the first day of 2nd trimester and our first day since Nov 2nd. Surprisingly I had every kid here, and not surprisingly we all were really tired! Trying to get back into the swing of things is a little hard, especially when you have only 3 weeks left until Christmas Break. We have a few Field Trips plan in these three weeks, plus trying to get a Christmas program together. I can't wait to that break. I know I just came back and already can't wait. But, I have some important football games between now and then, with one Today. Results will follow. Back to Educating!

Friday, November 23, 2007

We will fall!

"We will all at some time in our lives, fall. Life is so very fragile, we are all vulnerable, and we will all at some point in our lives, fall, we will all fall.

We must carry this in our hearts, that what we have is special, that it can be taken from us, and that when it is taken from us, we will be tested. We will be tested to our very souls. We will all be tested. It is these times, it is this pain, that allows us to look inside ourselves."

#1 Complaint

for most of the people I have discussed religion with that are not Christians their number one complaint is that Christians are hypocrites. They think they are higher than thou, but they go out and do exactly what they preach against.

Taken from DC Talk Song What if I Stumble

"The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today
Is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips
Then walk out the door and deny him by their lifestyle.
That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable."

But as a Christian I believe all Christians are hypocrites and how can we argue we are not. We are sinful and no matter what we say or know how bad something is, we fall/stumble and we sin we all do what we do not want to do. Romans 3:15 "I do not understand why I do what I do, What I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." (I believe that is the verse)

So how can we Testify to Unbelievers when we are by far the worst hypocrites out there, reminds me of younger horvs screen name the1sinner

How true is it to us all...

God Loves You!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

What I think is very Rude during Church

A lot of things could be Rude, Kids with ipods and psps, adults talking during the sermon, the older generations sipping on their coffees during the service, or the Pastor proclaiming we are all going to hell if we do not donate money to the building program. But with all that, that isn't the rudest thing I witness Last night during Church. During the Offering the Organist was playing a solo, nothing spectacular or hard, but using some God given talent. When the Organist was done a member in Church started clapping profusely and saying praise to God. Now why is this RUDE, well to me when someone performs in Church (Choirs, Bell, Organist, Solo, or whatever) it is not a time to be selfish. The Glory should be given to the Lord and not how well they nailed it. Clapping to them is stating we are professing they are more important to why the person performed. (This goes to why I believe Choirs and Others should not perform in the front of Churches) What you focus on when you first walk into a Church can tell you a lot about the Church, Baptist Churches have huge Batismal dunk tanks, Born Again Mega Churches have a Podium in the center, but Most Lutheran Churches (Should be all) have a Cross, where our eyes need to focus on. We are about the Lord Savior and his Death and Life he gives us!

So next time you think your being rude, you could be, but that could be rude to just humans, unlike being rude to God when we take our focus and praise off of him.

Just because something is New does not mean it is good

Just because something is old doesn't mean it doesn't work. Flash and Dash isn't better. I have been a Lutheran Teacher for five years now and I have not been met spiritually yet at a LEC worship service. I understand contemporary music style is the latest fad. I even understand people like to have a better reception (see picture) to God as they sing with their hands raised. But there are a few, more than you think, want something more traditional. Just singing a hymn jazzed up is not what I am talking about. I urge and challenge them to try it once every five years.

Trevor has some new pics up


Check out the Pictures, Trevor has some new pics up. Some Halloween pictures and some from LEC Conference and even with Great Grandma and Grandpa Burk.

More will come!
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

LEC conference was a blast!

LEC conference was a blast! Great speakers! I will get into it more later. everyone needs to see "the chalk guy" his art and story is amazing.

Monday, November 12, 2007

We won our 1st football

We won our 1st football game 38 - 37 in ot. At half it was 31 - 18 them. My boys came up huge in the 2nd half. I am so proud of them.

Red Wings

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