Wednesday, February 20, 2008

You must check this site out.

Athanatos Christian Ministries, Inc, is a ministry committed to applying the Christian world view in creative contexts that range from Christian apologetics to education to the edification of the church to literature and the arts.

"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith;
be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love." 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

From the Director:
Naturally, you want to know what Athanatos means. Athanatos is Greek for 'immortality' or, 'not dying.' If Christianity is true, that's what we are: immortal. We are adventurers unleashed for glory, freed from the burden of sin and fearless in the face of death. That's what we are, but that's not how we feel when we think of Christianity only in terms of our butt sitting on a pew.
Anthony Horvath at Athanatos Christian Ministries This ministry is the outgrowth of my apologetics ministries over the last decade. No longer do I believe that the best, exclusive use of my time is to reach out to and contend with atheists. Today I believe that the Church needs to expand its vision and methods in order to keep people from falling away in the first place. To that end, argument is still useful, but it needs to be packaged in a way that our society can receive it. More than that, I believe we should present Christianity as the inspiring story that it is: with each of us as important 'characters' as we really are.
This does not mean that the packaging is more important then the message. Things are still true whether we like them to be or not. When a missionary goes to a foreign country there are some aspects of the culture that he can accommodate himself to but there are some things he simply cannot abide. The things he can accommodate himself to are things that he can use in order to communicate. The United States is a mission field. There are some things that matter to people today (like stories, movies, etc) that we can use but in reality should have never been left by Christians in the first place to be rediscovered by secularists. It is partly the aim of this ministry to re-capture and re-employ what was properly within the domain of Christian thought in the first place.
That means that Athanatos Christian Ministries will strive to produce thoughtful educational programs that are consistent with historic, orthodox, creedal Christianity, but also seek to connect through literature, through music, through story, among other methods we might imagine. Athanatos Christian Ministries is a big picture organization. Anyone interested in joining us or learning more is invited to contact us to see just what can be done.
Anthony Horvath
Executive Director
Athanatos Christian Ministries

There is no other news here than I wanted everyone to check this site out. As a Christian we should be honoring that someone like Anthony Horvath would dedicate his life to this line of work. If you would like to support This organization there are multiple things you can do, besides filling out the donate form on the main page you can get something back by buying a book that Anthony wrote, Birth Pangs.

Please leave comments here or send them directly to Anthony on how you can help and think.

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