Thursday, November 22, 2007

What I think is very Rude during Church

A lot of things could be Rude, Kids with ipods and psps, adults talking during the sermon, the older generations sipping on their coffees during the service, or the Pastor proclaiming we are all going to hell if we do not donate money to the building program. But with all that, that isn't the rudest thing I witness Last night during Church. During the Offering the Organist was playing a solo, nothing spectacular or hard, but using some God given talent. When the Organist was done a member in Church started clapping profusely and saying praise to God. Now why is this RUDE, well to me when someone performs in Church (Choirs, Bell, Organist, Solo, or whatever) it is not a time to be selfish. The Glory should be given to the Lord and not how well they nailed it. Clapping to them is stating we are professing they are more important to why the person performed. (This goes to why I believe Choirs and Others should not perform in the front of Churches) What you focus on when you first walk into a Church can tell you a lot about the Church, Baptist Churches have huge Batismal dunk tanks, Born Again Mega Churches have a Podium in the center, but Most Lutheran Churches (Should be all) have a Cross, where our eyes need to focus on. We are about the Lord Savior and his Death and Life he gives us!

So next time you think your being rude, you could be, but that could be rude to just humans, unlike being rude to God when we take our focus and praise off of him.

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