Saturday, January 12, 2008

All in a Single Day


What a day, what a day. It is only around 5:30pm Pacific Time Zone and Trevor and I had a super full day. Trevor slept in a little, waking up around 7am, which is nice, usually its somewhere between 5:30 and 6:00am. Trevor and I came downstairs so Becky could sleep a little longer. We finished watching the movie "We are Marshall", which is really good movie. After breakfast and getting dressed we went to Church. Trevor helped me pass out door hangers. We walked little over a mile while passing them out. We went to Wal-Mart after that. We came home picked up Becky and stopped by Wanda's (my principal) house. Today is her birthday and we had a gift for her. We visited for a while and Trevor played a little. We then went and got Trevor a hair cut. On the way home from the hair cut we stopped at Burger King to grab lunch. We came home and ate. Trevor went down for a nap and so did I. When Trevor woke up we went to the Movies, just Trevor and I. We went to see the new Veggie Tales movies. We have wanted to take Trevor to a movie lately but didn't know what to see. He will sit and watch "Mary Poppins" and "The Jungle Book". I figure he watches Veggie Tales on TV once in a while. He knows the characters and points to them every week at Church. Our Sunday School Program is doing a Veggie Tales Curriculum. Although he wasn't bad, it didn't go as smooth as I was hoping for. We did make it though. I am glad we made it. Hopefully next movie we go to see it will go a little smoother. As of right now Trevor is eating a Mickey Mouse Shaped Pizza that he picked out when we were at Wal-Mart. There is even still 4 or more hours left in this day. What else can I do to get into trouble?

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